Crochet Holiday Dishcloth Pattern
Solid cloth can have crochet chain added as accent, and changed up for different Holidays.
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Best wishes, happy crocheting, and Happy Holidays!, pub-5533559881092217, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Crochet Holiday Dishcloth Pattern
Solid cloth can have crochet chain added as accent, and changed up for different Holidays.
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Best wishes, happy crocheting, and Happy Holidays!
The Circles & Squares Crochet Pattern for Coasters and Washcloths, in round and square, edged patterns, all in one fun, easy pattern.
Elegantly edged washcloth/dishcloth Square pattern Rounded to a Circle, AND Resized, giving you not only Dishcloth / Washcloth sizes, but Square Coaster size as well, in both square and round shapes.
Doily Designs Circles & Squares pattern mixes old with new, and takes the square Spring Washcloth, using the same simple, and elegant, edge design, and put it on a circle, to create interchangeable sets, or to use alone.
Coaster or Washcloth sizes to choose from, in the round or squared.
Simple, yet interesting edge matches on square or round, washcloth, dishcloth, or coasters.
Best wishes, and happy crocheting!
Doily Designs is Thankful for American's who have served, or are serving in the US Military, and protecting this great Country. Thank you Vets of America!
Doily Designs, on Etsy, offers several American Flag crochet items including patterns and completed blankets, heart pillows and more. All things American in Doily Designs shop are now on sale.
Find more in Doily Designs American Flag Collection here on the blog or Etsy.
Thank you for your service!
This Election Day, while you are waiting on Election Day results, wrap up and stay snug in a crochet American Flag Blanket, by Doily Designs.
Patterns and blankets all include Medium Medium American Flag Heart Pillow Plush and/or pattern!
Some items can now be found for sale on Ebay.
I 💜 America
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Best wishes, and happy VOTING!
Soap Saver, Doily and Washcloth in one Crochet Harvest Washcloth Pattern
Lay flat, as a decorative pumpkin doily, or soft washcloth.
Quick, and easy Intermediate Crochet Pattern encourages beginners to give it a try crocheting in the round.
Thank you for stopping by.
Best wishes, and happy crocheting!
Best wishes, and happy crocheting!
⭐ Doily Designs Cranberry Pineapple Crochet Christmas Tree Skirt Pattern One of a kind tree skirt is an eye catching take on the classic ...