Giant Doily Rug

Giant Doily Rug

There was a really fun project I did for a wedding prop back in October, 2014.  We were pretty  pleased with the results.

At the time, I was fairly new at selling my rugs and blankets on Etsy and it was an intimidating project. The costumer asked me to make my blanket, but as a rug and very large.

There were pleasantly only a few snafu's and do-over's. Happily it turned out better than I imagined.  It was some years ago and I do not remember the hook I used, but it was a large hook, like an N hook or bigger.

Sadly, I only got a few pictures before shipping it to Australia (pictured below).  It was 7ft across.

It is such a lovely idea to have this for a wedding prop! There are so many cool things you could do with it!  Jeez, now I want to make another one! :)

Back to crocheting.

Crochet Rocks

  Crochet Rocks

More crochet rocks!  

Finally, I've gotten around to crocheting around these nice river rocks that I'd acquired on our journeys. I've always been a bit of a rock collector, so when I saw this great idea, it brought me such joy! With rocks and crochet combined together, you have such an interesting piece. Crochet rocks can also be so very handy when used as door stops, basket fillers, in the garden, etc. Just such an extremely lovely decoration.
This beautiful Basalt Snowflake covered rock pattern by Deborah Atkinson, can be found free on Ravelry. (pictured below)


                You can never have too many crochet rocks! :) 

                                     Thank you for stopping by!
                              Best wishes and Happy crocheting!!
August 2015

There are so many really pretty lamp shade covers. I couldn't decide which I liked best but I had an idea of what I wanted so I started these and finished them for our bedroom. Using whatever jewels I had on hand just to get them done with embellishments.  You could add whatever suits your fancy or leave them as is. 
The little one makes a nice place to hang my crochet earrings and dress it up a little.

Mandala Stool Cover

August 2015
 Itching to crochet, so I made a stool cover for this really ugly stool that I am very attached to. It is my favorite drum stool so it HAS to go in the living room! Now at least it looks better. :)


Find your favorite Mandala pattern and crochet it to size. No increase on stools side, measure as you go. Decrease stitches for closing, but not too much so that it can slide on and off.  It was really very easy and I had mandala's already made that were suppose to be pillow covers. The other may still end up being a pillow. Hey, it will match my stool! :)

New Beginnings

July 2015

In the mood to crochet!!!
We just moved into our new house   :)
It is amazing and gives me so much inspiration for crocheting.
So I am going to start writing here to share what I experience on my journey.

I am up here in my craft room and organizing yarns and it is so fun! 
Here, in our new house, I have my own studio, which is so very helpful for organizing all my craft stuff.          
As I am unpacking all this yarn, inspiration leaves me itching to crochet!!!

Crochet is a great way to let out a little expression, to focus your concentration & when you are done, you are left with a sense of accomplishment. Crochet is just good for the mind, body & soul. As well as others seem to like the outcome.

There seems to be more yarn than I realized, which is always a good thing. So I am off to start a project for our new home.

Since there is so much unpacking to do I’ve started small, I made coasters & covered 3 rocks that the kids and me found on a walk exploring on our new land. 

And coasters :)

This is a really cute coaster pattern. You can find several versions if you google free crochet coasters. I couldn't find the exact one I wanted so I just improvised. Still haven't unpacked my patterns yet.  And the internet is not great out here in the country. Still getting use to that.

Wimberley is beautiful, though! And I do not miss the traffic and noise of Austin.
Here is a view from our back balcony. We just love our new view and our new house :D

Thank you for stopping by!
Best wishes & Happy crocheting!!

Cranberry Pineapple Crochet Christmas Tree Skirt Pattern

⭐  Doily Designs Cranberry Pineapple  Crochet Christmas Tree Skirt Pattern One of a kind tree skirt is an eye catching take on the classic v...