, pub-5533559881092217, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Doily Designs: July 2022, pub-5533559881092217, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Sewing Machine Cover

Sewing machine cover and gift set.

Sewing machine cover pattern found in a magazine, made for my m.i.l. years ago. 

First quilting project ever and it was pretty addictive. 

The flowers turned out cute and I like the idea of using ribbon and scrap fabric to make flowers. 

Buttons were used in center of flowers and a little covered box in matching fabric to store what nots in, made with a cardboard gift box.
The gift bags are hand made as well. Painted picture on brown bag, with holes and yarn for handle. 

The sewing box was store bought, but went well with the theme.

Handmade card is paper 'stained glass'.

This was a fun to make birthday gift.

Thank you for stopping by.
May you find joy and inspiration in life.
Best wishes and happy crafting!

Years ago, when we would visit Grandma's (aka, my m.i.l.), she would always be sewing something for her home, so on her birthday, after seeing a sewing machine cover in a magazine, I was inspired to gift her a handmade sewing machine cover.
Doing a lot of sewing myself at the time, I knew how nice a machine cover could be, and maybe if it is interesting enough, she would use it more. She loves light colors, and I happened to have some scrap material, from her, that worked out perfect. This was my first quilting adventure. It was quite fun and inspired me to make more quilted items later.

This amazing puzzle was put together by my S.I.L. ⛪🧩

Happy Birthday!!

Weird Texas Plants and Wild Flowers

Flowers and plants photographed in Central Texas.
Part 2 
Texas Wildflowers

These are some of the more interesting, unusual, and prickly, Texas wildflowers I've photographed.

Go to Wildflower pictures Part 1 for more pictures, or visit ShutterStock to see more and/or purchase photographs.

Texas Prickly Poppy
Very thorny, desert rose.

This tall plant is covered in spikes, even the bulbs dare you to touch them.

Blossom attracts many pollinators with its lovely yellow pollen.

Antelope Horn Milkweed 
(Asclepias asperula)

Indian Blankets at LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Tx

Wild Onion, Allium canadense  

Cow Parsley
(Anthriscus sylvestris)
Flowering before turning to 'stickers'.

Red Texas Yucca


Upright Prairie Coneflower, aka, Mexican Hat
(Ratibida columnifera)

Photos by Cathleen Wake Gorbatenko

Thank you for stopping by.
Best wishes and happy gardening!

Cranberry Pineapple Crochet Christmas Tree Skirt Pattern

⭐  Doily Designs Cranberry Pineapple  Crochet Christmas Tree Skirt Pattern One of a kind tree skirt  is an eye catching take on the classic ...