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Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts

Valentines Free Crochet Patterns

Crochet Valentines Doily 

This Pattern can be found on Etsy, or free here on Doily Designs Blog.

Mint Chocolate Chip Doily Pattern, shown above, made in lovely Valentines colors. Changing colors as indicated in the pattern.


Add this cute crochet Tiny Heart Charms to just about anything, like adding to Doily Designs Seasonal Tiny Tote , for Valentines lip balm treats.

Free crochet Tiny Heart pattern is found below.

Seasonal Tiny Tote pattern can be found on Etsy.

Doily Designs Tiny Heart Charm

With hook from E - H, depending on size of heart desired.

Special Stitches

Dc (Double Crochet):  YO 2 x's, ins hook, YO, pull thru, YO, pull thru 2, YO, pull thru 2.

Hdc (Half Double Crochet):  YO 2 x's on hook, ins hook, YO, pull thru, YO, pull thru 3 lps.

Mr:  (Magic Ring)  Loop yarn as if making a slip knot leaving large circle and working over tail. A.k.a; loop yarn around 2 fingers, insert hook, pull loop thru, slip loop off fingers leaving large circle and working over tail and into circle.  After joining last stitch, pull tail to gently but firmly close circle.

Stitch Key

BegDc:  Beginning Double Crochet

Dc:  Double Crochet

Hdc:  Half Double Crochet

lp:  Loop

Sc:  Single Crochet

Sl st:  Slip Stitch

Sp:  Space

St:  Stitch

YO:  Yarn Over

Begin: Make a Mr, Ch 1

Rnd 1:  working in mr, Sc, Ch 1, (Hdc, Ch1) 5 x's, Dc, (Hdc, Ch 1) 5 x's, Sc, Ch 1, Sl st in mr, fasten off, weave ends.

Try with different hooks for different heart sizes.

Thank you for stopping by.

Best wishes, happy crocheting, and Happy Valentines! 💝

Christmas Holly Berry Washcloth

Doily Designs Winter Harvest fun crochet Holly Berry Harvest Washcloth (and more!) pattern.

Crochet Cloth has gotten in the Christmas spirit with a Winter Harvest theme.

Vibrant cranberry red, accented with a deep forest green, make this Festive Holly Berry Luffa a great Seasonal crochet project.  



Crochet Cloth can be used as a doily, a washcloth, Luffa Soap Saver. 

Fill them with soap or sweet treats, as Holiday gift bags, for a thoughtful caring gift.

Add some Cranberry scented soap to make this a Holiday washcloth favorite Luffa, both to make, and to give.

The quick and easy pattern works up in no time, to make and fill with cheer, and can be made into various themes like Christmas Holly Berry, to Spring Peach, to keep a Seasonal Harvest Cloth handy all year.

Beautiful painting by Olena Paintings on Etsy

Thank you for stopping by.

Comment below with questions for Cathleen.

Best wishes, happy crocheting, and Happy Holidays!

Crochet Spring Garden Tote

Crochet Spring Garden Tote

Digital download of crochet flowers photo available at Peach Creek Printing Etsy.

Custom orders, including pattern, and crochet items are always welcome, at; Doily Designs Etsy.

Thank you for stopping by.

Best wishes, and happy crocheting!

Solar Eclipse Shadows 2023

Check out the first ever video on my Youtube Channel. Video is of the crazy shadows cast by the October, 2023 solar eclipsed as viewed from the Texas Hill Country.

Thank you for stopping by.
Best wishes.

Pencil Drawing of Blackie Cat

Here is another pencil drawings of my cat, Ms Blackerbee, (aka Blackie).

The drawing below was when I thought the picture was done, but as usual, I kept seeing things that needed more work, and honestly I still am. But there is only so much you can do on one picture once you have gone so far. So we will leave Ms Blackerbee as she is. Okay, maybe I will go back and add her eyebrow whiskers :)

Pictured below are the photos that the drawing is based on. Around this time last year I had just finished the oil pastel seen in the background, Ms Blackerbee was very persistently getting in my face and right in the way of the camera. That is until I started trying to take her picture,  of course, then she went and laid down.  I managed a few photos, but since they were cute, but not perfect, I decided to mess them up a little more by trying to draw her 🤣

Yes, the proportions are WAY off, please keep in mind, this is a PRACTICE drawing. 😉

Ms Blackerbee shared in the process with me 😍

 Youtube is one of my favorite places to find inspiration and instruction. Recently I found Colored Pencil with Kirsty, a great pencil art instructor with some great drawing tips. Go check her out if you too would like to get tips for pencil drawing, and empress your cat ㋛

Thank you for stopping by.

Stop by my new Art Journal page if you would like to see more doodles by Cathleen.

Best wishes and happy drawing!

Leaves of Change

🍁 Hello Fall 🍁

🍂 Beautiful changing colors of Autumn 🍂

Mix of plants make a lovely landscape.

      🍂 Colorful sprouts of Creeping Fig Ivy 🍂


Don't let the time slip away. 
Make the most of every day.


Thank you for stopping by and sharing your time. 
Best wishes 🍂

Weird Texas Plants and Wild Flowers

Flowers and plants photographed in Central Texas.
Part 2 
Texas Wildflowers

These are some of the more interesting, unusual, and prickly, Texas wildflowers I've photographed.

Go to Wildflower pictures Part 1 for more pictures, or visit ShutterStock to see more and/or purchase photographs.

Texas Prickly Poppy
Very thorny, desert rose.

This tall plant is covered in spikes, even the bulbs dare you to touch them.

Blossom attracts many pollinators with its lovely yellow pollen.

Antelope Horn Milkweed 
(Asclepias asperula)

Indian Blankets at LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Tx

Wild Onion, Allium canadense  

Cow Parsley
(Anthriscus sylvestris)
Flowering before turning to 'stickers'.

Red Texas Yucca


Upright Prairie Coneflower, aka, Mexican Hat
(Ratibida columnifera)

Photos by Cathleen Wake Gorbatenko

Thank you for stopping by.
Best wishes and happy gardening!

Wildflowers in Texas

Flowers photographed in Texas

Photographs by Cathleen Wake Gorbatenko
Photos subject to copyright ©.
Please visit ShutterStock to see more pictures and purchase photographs by Cathleen.

Texas Bluebonnet
(Lupinus texensis)


(Lantana camara)


My favorite wildflower 2019, that I have found in Wimberley, and that I had never seen before, is the Pearn Milkweed. The vine itself is interesting, but the flowers are impressive. The tiny green flowers have a pearlescent white center that shimmers in the sun. Gourds grow, and seed, and life begins again.

Pearl Milkweed Vine
(Matelea reticulate)
The seed pods are interesting but even more so, are the tiny, thick green, 5 petal flowers with the pearl like center. So green and lovely.

Antelope Milkweed, Asclepia asperula, with its 5 inch pods, and impressive flowers. Named Antelope Milkweed for its seed pods.

Texas Sage
(Leucophyllum frutescens)

Texas Thistle
(Cirsium texanum)



(Nerium oleander)

Mountain Pink, aka Quinine Weed or Rock Century

(Zeltnera beyrichii)
Beautiful tiny pink cluster of flowers, growing roadside, on rugged rocky hillside, in Wimberley, Texas.

Fun tidbit;
One of my Mountain Pink photos was used in this great travel size flower identification book; 
WILDFLOWERS OF TEXAS Field Guide, by Nora & Rick Bowers, and Stan Tekiela.
Thank you for choosing my photograph. Such a beautiful little flower.

Prairie Vervain (Glandularia bipinnatifida)

(Commelina communis)

Texas Sunflower

Passion flowers do well, if you can keep the caterpillars off them.

Pride of Barbados
(Caesalpinia pulcherrima)

Prickly Pear Cactus, Opuntia

Prickly Pear Cactus, Opuntia

Water Lilies

More to come in Part 2, Flowers Photographed in Texas, such as the....
Peach tree blossom.


All photos copyright © Cathleen Wake Gorbatenko

Thank you for stopping by.
Happy journeys.

Cranberry Pineapple Crochet Christmas Tree Skirt Pattern

⭐  Doily Designs Cranberry Pineapple  Crochet Christmas Tree Skirt Pattern One of a kind tree skirt  is an eye catching take on the classic ...