, pub-5533559881092217, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Doily Designs: Crochet Signature?, pub-5533559881092217, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Crochet Signature?

Paintings have signatures right, so why not crochet art?

Being the worlds worst about signing my art when it is done, makes it kind of funny that I thought that it was a good idea to sign crochet. 

Every once in a I'll remember to sign something that is near and dear, and while I was finishing up the Texas Pillowcase, I could not resist the urge and attempt to make a CROCHETED SIGNATURE 😅

So why isn't crochet signed? Maybe it is because it is pretty difficult to embroider on crochet, and there are several easier ways to leave your mark. 

It looks like the crochet signature will take a little more planning and practice, but I like the idea.


And the POP of the blue on the red! :D

Thank you for stopping by.

Best wishes, and happy crocheting!

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