Showing posts with label Drawings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drawings. Show all posts

Peace is Always an Option

                            New Year! πŸŽ‰   🐾

Peace is always an option.

(above; small crochet flowers, with stiff stems. Used to play live 'hide and seek', "Untitled Goose" games.)

Thank you for stopping by.

Best wishes and Happy New Year!

September Art Bug

As we journey into September, 2023, it has been especially fun doing a painting a day, 7 paintings in 7 days, painting along with this special lady Michelle the Painter, of Berkshire Paint and Sip. 

Below you can see paintings done following along with Michelle, and how her Fall spirit is in full swing, with paintings like 'Ghost in the Rain' and 'Haunted House', plus many more that you will find on her Youtube channel.

Michelle does a wonderful job guiding you through her lovely paintings, as you create something unexpected and fabulous.  Her reassurance and smooth flow, keep you going and assured it is for fun, and to not take it too seriously. In the end, I am always pleased with how it has all come together, following Michelle's simple steps.

One of the most challenging for me, yet also my favorite, was the 'Beach Crab'. My little lopsided crab brings me much joy.

Paintings together;

'Ghost in the Rain'

'Daisy Guitar'


'Haunted House'

'Pumpkin Truck'

With the coming of Autumn, every year, right on time, the art bug bites, leaving me with a very strong desire to doodle and paint.  Here on Doily Designs, there is a designated space for some of my doodle thoughts and doodle shares, which can be found in the 'Art for fun and meditation' section.  

Paintings above done following along with Michelle the Painter on Youtube.

Thank you for stopping by.

May you find joy and happiness.

Best wishes, happy Fall & happy Autumn PAINTING!

Happy Holidays!

 πŸŽ πŸŽ„ 🎨  Happy Holidays!  πŸŽ¨ πŸŽ„ 🎁

Visit new Doily Designs shop or Doily Designs on Etsy to see Doily Designs Crochet Patterns

Patterns on sale now and thru the holidays exclusively in Doily Designs new shop.

Visit Doily Designs PEACH CREEK PRINTING to purchase art prints by Cathleen. 

Cardinal in a Snow Globe 

painting ~

Acrylic on paper, 5 x 7 inch.

Painted by Cathleen Wake Gorbatenko, 12.2.22.

Paintings were inspired watching Michelle. Michelle the Painter has great instructions that are very clear, easy, and fun to follow. Michelle is a very talented and sweet instructor who encourages you to enjoy and paint along.

If you are feeling the spirit and have gotten some inspiration, go grab some acrylic paint, and a beverage, and head over to 'Paint and Sip with Michelle'.


Thank you for stopping by.

Best wishes & Happy Holidays!

May you find joy and inspiration!!

Crochet Christmas Pattern Sale

Christmas Crochet


Happy Holidays from Doily Designs!


Purchase Christmas Crochet Patterns by Doily Designs on Etsy.
Shop Cranberry Pineapple Christmas Tree Skirt Pattern, as seen below, and more.


Thank you for stopping by.

Best wishes and happy crocheting!

May you find joy and inspiration!!


Thanksgiving Crochet Pattern Sale

 πŸ‚ πŸ¦ƒ Happy Thanksgiving!  πŸ¦ƒ πŸ‚

~ Black Friday ~ Holiday Season Sale! ~

40% off crochet Christmas Patterns at Doily Designs

Find pattern for Cranberry Pineapple Christmas Tree Skirt and more.

Doily Designs patterns may also be found on Etsy 20% off for a limited time.

Sale at Doily Designs continuing through the Holiday!

Thank you for stopping by.

Best wishes & Happy Holidays!

Camel Drawings


Cami & Crabby on the beach again ~ 

Lately, I've been quite obsessed with drawing this image of Cami & Crabby, the camel and crab seen in drawing above on the beach. If you do not see me working on one of these drawings these days,  I am probably planning one out in my head πŸ˜… 

This one took about 30 hours of actual drawing with pencil. Much more time doodling and sketching out camels for fun and practice went in to it as well. It has been a project very near and dear to me.

Go to this past Camila & Crabby post to hear more about these two and their beginnings.

I don't know about you, but I'm still partial to the first one, on the right.

This may be the last art post on my main Doily Designs page, but you can always visit my online Art Journal here on Doily Designs, where future art and drawing posts will live. Subscribe to Doily Designs to keep up with the latest.

Thank you for stopping by.

Best wishes and happy drawing!

Wine Glass Drawing

This Wine Glass practice drawing is based on this Pin that caught my eye last year.

This art Pin was great for inspiration. And while I adore Pinterest, and find so much inspiration there, I really miss the 'Tried Pin' feature.  It seems that they did away with it early 2022.
'Tried Pin's' was a fun feature and it is always nice to share feedback. So, hey, Pinterest.... Please bring back 'Tried Pins' feature, we miss this! Who's with me?

If you are not familiar with this feature, click on this Pin link and see my Tried Pin, see others versions of this drawing, and check out and follow my Art board.

This fun practice drawing was done with graphite pencils.

Thank you for stopping by.
Best wishes and happy drawing!
Drawing done September 2021

Pencil Drawing of Blackie Cat

Here is another pencil drawings of my cat, Ms Blackerbee, (aka Blackie).

The drawing below was when I thought the picture was done, but as usual, I kept seeing things that needed more work, and honestly I still am. But there is only so much you can do on one picture once you have gone so far. So we will leave Ms Blackerbee as she is. Okay, maybe I will go back and add her eyebrow whiskers :)

Pictured below are the photos that the drawing is based on. Around this time last year I had just finished the oil pastel seen in the background, Ms Blackerbee was very persistently getting in my face and right in the way of the camera. That is until I started trying to take her picture,  of course, then she went and laid down.  I managed a few photos, but since they were cute, but not perfect, I decided to mess them up a little more by trying to draw her 🀣

Yes, the proportions are WAY off, please keep in mind, this is a PRACTICE drawing. πŸ˜‰

Ms Blackerbee shared in the process with me 😍

 Youtube is one of my favorite places to find inspiration and instruction. Recently I found Colored Pencil with Kirsty, a great pencil art instructor with some great drawing tips. Go check her out if you too would like to get tips for pencil drawing, and empress your cat ㋛

Thank you for stopping by.

Stop by my new Art Journal page if you would like to see more doodles by Cathleen.

Best wishes and happy drawing!

Back To Basics

🐒🐟🐠 Back to Basics for Proportions ~

Sitting and drawing the other day, I noticing how wrong my proportions are. This got me thinking about getting back to the basics. Not 10 minutes later, my husband walks up on me drawing and says that there are some really good books on drawing, and that I should get one and take a look. Yes! Great idea! So, I pick up a fun drawing book that we have and start back with basic shapes.  

I had originally gotten this book (Draw Really Cool Stuff), long ago for the kids and me. Of course, we had given it a try, but mostly the book just sat on a shelf. 

Personally, I had never really understood about starting with shapes, I didn't get it. It was a step that I missed all these years. Even when drawing a face, I would try to start with an egg, sure, and try to make the lines, but usually did not follow anywhere near any of these in what I saw or would draw. I just didn't get it. Now, after all these years of trying to learn how to draw, trying to figure out how to express what is in my head, I pick up this book and something has change....

Suddenly the idea of seeing the shapes, mapping them out, it just makes more sense!

Kind of like reading a dance book, you can read it, but until your body actually grasps the movements, you will not be able to put it together.

I'm not sure what clicked, but if you want my opinion and my advice, it was all the practice that I've been doing lately.  In practicing everyday, I've learned more and more. I'm learning things like how to hold the pencil more efficiently, how to work more quickly, better shading, etc. All these things get better with practice.

Below are a few drawings that I have done from the book so far.
They are for proportion and using the basic shapes method, which, I think really helped. 

In the past, I had hated having to erase those shapes that you do in the beginning, but as Doug Dubosque, and other instructors point out, you should do these shapes with light pencil marks, to be erased, or simply drawn over, later. This lightness was something that I am only recently beginning to master, and it is very helpful.

Here are a few drawings I did from the book so far;

πŸ’š 🐒.

After making this little fish, he seemed so lonely, so I found another fish, and the crown of thorns starfish in the book, and they got added to the picture.

I can't wait to see what else comes from this doodling adventure!  We would love to see your latest doodles, if you would like to share, leave them in the comments below. 
See more doodle adventures here on Doily Designs Art Journal.

In life, the way we see things changes with time.

Be patient with yourself, keep at it, and practice, practice, practice :)

Thank you for stopping by.

Best wishes and happy doodling!

First drawing from book 'Draw Really Cool Stuff', Fat Sand Rat.

Camel and Crab Drawing


Camila & Crabby

Camels are just so AWESOME! 

I've been adoring camels, collecting camels and trying to draw camels since the 90's. Camels are so adorable and amazing that I am just nuts about them!

These two have been such an inspiration, and hearing their tales of camels and the beach had inspired me to draw more camels. 

As usual, I turned to Pinterest for camel picture inspiration and found this awesome photograph of a camel laying in the sand looking at a dung beetle, photographed by Sam Rowely.         

Since seeing this photograph, this cute camel was stuck in my head and yearning to come to life in a drawing.

It floated around for months in my head, and I practiced on this and that, until finally my drawing started to come together and come to life. 

Crab drawing practice below. Feeling Crabby?

Camel, affectionately named Camila and her friend Crabby, drawing is very far from perfect, but it is what was trapped inside my head all these months, and I am happy to finally be able to share it with my Uncle.  So for now, I will let this sleepy camel lie, and be content with how it is. This cute camel drawing is available for download in Peach Creek Printing's Etsy shop, for those who would like to hang out with this camel a little longer.

Below is my attempt in oil pastels, with the dung beetle.

Sam Rowely is the talented young photographer that captured this adorable camel photo while in the desert. Sam's wonderful picture was published in StoryTrender where you can read about his photograph and adventure.

Dung beetle 🐞 in Texas.

Inspired by nature!

Thank you for stopping by.
May you find joy and inspiration!
Best wishes and happy drawing, and photographing!!

Peach Creek Printing 

~ Peach Creek Photos & Printing ~

Now selling digital photos on Etsy! Choose from photos, request a photo, or use your own photo,  have photos and logos printed on shirts, mugs and more!

You can also visit Shutterstock to view my portfolio and purchase photographs there.

Thank you for stopping by.
May you find Joy and Inspiration!
Best wishes!!

Cranberry Pineapple Crochet Christmas Tree Skirt Pattern

⭐  Doily Designs Cranberry Pineapple  Crochet Christmas Tree Skirt Pattern One of a kind tree skirt  is an eye catching take on the classic ...