, pub-5533559881092217, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Doily Designs: Lip Balm Tote Flavor Designs, pub-5533559881092217, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Lip Balm Tote Flavor Designs

Seasonal Lip Balm Tiny Tote Crochet Pattern
in fun Seasonal Flavors

Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall,
A tiny tote to fit them all!

Back to School Apple Core, Candy Corn, and so much more! 


Chapstick stays safe, and handy in its fun crochet tiny tote cozy.
Add jump rings and attach to a purse or backpack, or toss yours in your bag to keep your lip balms safe in all these fun designs;

Apple Core, Candy Cane, Candy Corn, Neapolitan Ice Cream, Watermelon Slice, Pink Ribbon, Patriotic, and Plain.

My new personal favorite Tiny Tote flavor is the Neapolitan Ice Cream

Or is it the Patriotic? 🤔

NO! It's the Apple Core.

Oh, jeez.... I like them all.

These would make great gifts for folks like myself that always need a chapstick handy 😅

Find the Seasonal flavor Lip Balm Tiny Tote pattern on Etsy.

Sneak peak at the latest (This ones for Liz, also always needs her chapstick handy ... apples and trees. 💜) 

Thank you for stopping by.

Best wishes, and happy crocheting!

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