, pub-5533559881092217, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Doily Designs: Shoncho, pub-5533559881092217, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0



Blarf Shoncho.... my Stashbuster Blarf as a Shirt Poncho.

  The Stashbuster Blarf, pictured below, is absolutely beautiful!  

Ever since I first saw the picture of the Stashbuster Blarf, I wanted to make one! For my idea, I did not use this pattern exactly, but it was a great inspiration and perfect for what I wanted to make.
The pattern is to make a "Blarf", a scarf but bigger, like a shawl. Which is great, but I am more a poncho girl. So I made 2 rectangles with various stitches, added a border, and joined it on the sides. Voila, you have a poncho, or is it a shirt? or a "Shoncho" 😆 My Blarf Shoncho!

With my yarn stash in hand, I started working up this "Shoncho".  I absolutely love the different yarns and yarn textures together! Mine uses mostly Caron Simply Soft and Yarn Bee Soft Secret, with some "I Love This Yarn".  

This join was before I found the beautiful Celtic Lace Join. I guess that I did something similar back then. The Celtic Lace Join has a very good tutorial for something similar to what you see here. This gives it an interesting touch on the shoulders.


I have been seeing quite a lot of Shoncho type creations on Pinterest lately, and I am liking the Shoncho name more and more ;)

Thank you for stopping by. Check beck for more crochet thoughts and ideas.
Best wishes and happy crocheting!

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