Showing posts with label New Beggings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Beggings. Show all posts

Yarn Stuffing

Stuffing with Yarn

Yarn Stuffing

So, you know all those pesky little ends left over after weaving ends? Well, I started recycling them by using them as stuffing! With so many wasteful scraps cut after weaving ends, it seemed such a waste to throw them all away. Turns out that I would collect enough to stuff a small pillow in a very short amount of time. Especially if working with a lot of different colors on one project. So I began to use these as stuffing.

Recently while watching Sweet Potato 3, Christine's Bunny and Chick CAL video on FB, and aside from that it is an adorable crochet amigurumi Bunny CAL, I loved the innovative use of grocery bags for stuffing! And while, I am not sure if it is her idea, it is a great idea!

This gets me wondering what else people might be using besides your traditional stuffings?
Please, leave a comment and share your ideas!


For the larger, looser stitched items, this does not work as well because it shows through and even can come through, so for those I still use fiber fill. But for smaller projects like Amigirumi, it is perfect and I have my scrap stash ready to go! :)


It was great to see Christine using the grocery bags as stuffing. Very inspiring that others are using things that are recycled.

I would love to hear what you are using.

Check back for more crochet ideas.

Thank you for stopping by.

Best wishes, and happy crocheting!

Doily Designs' History

Doggie Lovies & Doily Designs

A little history about my crochet adventures.

A happy customer.

With my talented Mother always making something beautiful and my Grandmother always crocheting lovely gifts,  it was inevitable that at age 3, I would pick up a crochet hook. At age 9, I started selling Christmas ornaments at craft fairs with my Mom, and knitted my first completed sweater at age 11.

Similar example of easy crochet ornaments my Mother taught me, in the 80's, as a child.

Through out the years I did many other crafts and what-not, mostly sewing. Inspired by my Mother. Sewing is one of her specialties, and yes, she has many. Sewing is not so much mine. But it never stopped me from trying. It seemed I could never find things I wanted in stores, so I would make my own.

In 2003, I picked up a crocheting again, for the first time since I was a child. I would make my own patterns for chunky scarves, chunky hats and bikini's. 

Here is one of my favorite scarves from 2003, that I still wear. Large and chunky, with beads on the fringe.

For a few years I lost interest in fiber arts and tried spray paint art.

In 2006, I met my wonderful, inspiring husband, and while carrying my 3rd child, I picked up crochet and knitting again to make baby blankets and baby wear.  

Bamboo baby poncho.

This knitted baby blanket took 4 years of working on and off, to finally finish. It was then I uncovered the truth.... beyond a doubt, I am a crocheter more than a knitter.

In 2010, once again, I decided to give selling a try. Mostly, I had crocheted for myself, children or as gifts.  This was before I had even heard of Etsy.  At the time, I joined up with my Mother and her company, Universal Stitching Designs, to raise awareness about animal cruelty and I began selling dog clothes in her booth at dog fairs. Things like dog scarves, dog sweaters, puppy toys and some jewelry for their humans.  I called them DOGGIE LOVIES.  It went alright, but not great.

Quickly thrown together display to test "Doggie Lovies" in my Mom's booth at dog fairs.

Floral dog scarves~

More scarves~

The Dog-gone Dog Bone pattern by Ginny Blankenship.

Though other crafts and things interest me, it seems I always end up spending most my time crocheting stuff, and it is were I have been the most productive.

In 2011, I began crocheting in the round and was hooked! Crocheting itself is very therapeutic and meditative and in the round was the cherry on top. Round and round, row after row, coming full circle. It is so very satisfying. In the round offered so much inspiration, there was endless possibilities of things to make!

My husband suggested in 2012 that if I enjoyed this so much, I should start selling to a larger audience and suggested that I sell on Etsy.  So in 2012, I opened my Etsy shop, Doily Designs.

I was making doilies, and doily like things at the time and the name Doily Designs stuck. Honestly it is not even by choice, some times things are just meant to be.  So Doily Designs it was,  with some of my Doily Designs.....

Doily Designs earrings from 2011

                       One of my Doily Designs Blankets from 2012, sold on Etsy.                                                                           

My Doily Designs tree skirt creation, 2012. This is my first published pattern for purchase in  2018.

2012, my Doily Designs Shells & Lace Doily Rug.  Lovingly, inspired by wanting to make my Mother-in-Law a special and unique gift.

My first Doily Designs Shells n Lace Rug, for MIL, to match her decor. With left over yarn I made a little something extra with the floral covered garden rock in same colors.

Doily Designs Shirt, inspired design, 2015

 I'll finish up with my latest creation.... the new large tree skirt pattern. The Large Cranberry Pineapple Crochet Christmas Tree Skirt Pattern now available on Etsy.


Always aspiring to find new concepts and create new joy.....

Keeping the tradition going and growing!

Thank you for stopping by!

Artifact? Or Just Another Pretty Rock?

Milky white, with orange hues, neatly and carefully napped edges?
Holding this rock, I feel a sense of connection to the past.
This could be just a chip or it could be an artifact, my experience says artifact. What do you think?

Scraper comes to mind first. Possibly an axe.  

This rock is just too cool to have not been napped by someone long ago.
But, I am not an archeologist, so all I have is my best guess. If someone has any ideas, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Below are other pieces I have found around Central Texas.

Above you can see several white flint and weathered flint.  This stone is a different type of stone. Please help identif if you have any ideas. (Top and center in picture above).

Beautiful orange hues running through the other wise milky white stone.

Edges weathered smooth.

It is too uniform to not have been intentionally chipped away. My bet is that it is some sort of scraper or axe. Which only leaves me with even more questions.

I found a small bird point around the same area and it too is made of an even shinier, smoother white stone, maybe white obsidian?

I would love to hear your ideas!

What is this stone? Who do you think might have made it? What was it used for?
(Found around the year 2000, in Central Texas.)

Very cool ROCK!

I πŸ’– Arrowheads!

New Beginnings

July 2015

In the mood to crochet!!!
We just moved into our new house   :)
It is amazing and gives me so much inspiration for crocheting.
So I am going to start writing here to share what I experience on my journey.

I am up here in my craft room and organizing yarns and it is so fun! 
Here, in our new house, I have my own studio, which is so very helpful for organizing all my craft stuff.          
As I am unpacking all this yarn, inspiration leaves me itching to crochet!!!

Crochet is a great way to let out a little expression, to focus your concentration & when you are done, you are left with a sense of accomplishment. Crochet is just good for the mind, body & soul. As well as others seem to like the outcome.

There seems to be more yarn than I realized, which is always a good thing. So I am off to start a project for our new home.

Since there is so much unpacking to do I’ve started small, I made coasters & covered 3 rocks that the kids and me found on a walk exploring on our new land. 

And coasters :)

This is a really cute coaster pattern. You can find several versions if you google free crochet coasters. I couldn't find the exact one I wanted so I just improvised. Still haven't unpacked my patterns yet.  And the internet is not great out here in the country. Still getting use to that.

Wimberley is beautiful, though! And I do not miss the traffic and noise of Austin.
Here is a view from our back balcony. We just love our new view and our new house :D

Thank you for stopping by!
Best wishes & Happy crocheting!!

Cranberry Pineapple Crochet Christmas Tree Skirt Pattern

⭐  Doily Designs Cranberry Pineapple  Crochet Christmas Tree Skirt Pattern One of a kind tree skirt is an eye catching take on the classic v...